Teangle Matcha Collagen

Glow From the Inside Out!
30 servings per tub (1-month-supply)
Rated 4.7 out of 5
Based on 1395 reviews
93% of reviewers would recommend this product to a friend

Teangle Matcha Collagen

Glow From the Inside Out!
30 servings per tub (1-month-supply)
Rated 4.7 out of 5
Based on 1395 reviews
93% of reviewers would recommend this product to a friend
Elevate your energy levels without the caffeine crash using our Matcha Collagen latte. This low-calorie blend, featuring three super ingredients, enhances your natural glow and provides a sustained energy boost.


1 Tub
Most Popular
2 Tubs
$58.00 each
Max Savings
3 Tubs
$68.00 each
ADD TO CART -   $57.80

Frequently Bought Together

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Collagen matcha
1 Tub subscription
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Matcha Mug
Handmade for big matcha latte's
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  • Improves the natural beauty of your skin, hair and nails
  • More energy to do the things you love without the CRASH
  • Boosts your immune system so you can stay healthy

Each serving contains :

5g of pure marine collagen, 1g of organic ceremonial Matcha, organic coconut milk powder and organic acacia gum
 Nutrition Facts

Zero Sugar

Zero Sugar

Dairy Free

Dairy Free





We only use the
best quality ingredients

1g of organic ceremonial Matcha

1g of organic ceremonial Matcha

Your superhero when it comes to long-lasting energy, reduced stress and better focus.

  • Sourced from a family farm in Japan
  • Screened and tested for toxins
5g of pure marine collagen

5g of pure marine collagen

Aka the fountain of youth. This stuff is amazing for your skin, hair, nails and just overall confidence.

  • The most bioavailable form
  • Sustainably sourced from wild-caught fish in Canada
organic acacia gum

organic acacia gum

Supports a healthy gut and digestion.

  • Sourced from wild Acacia trees.
organic coconut milk powder

organic coconut milk powder

Super creamy deliciousness that’s dairy free and low calorie.

  • Paleo, keto and 100% plant based
  • Non-GMO
1g of organic ceremonial Matcha

1g of organic ceremonial Matcha

Your superhero when it comes to long-lasting energy, reduced stress and better focus.

  • Sourced from a family farm in Japan
  • Screened and tested for toxins
5g of pure marine collagen

5g of pure marine collagen

Aka the fountain of youth. This stuff is amazing for your skin, hair, nails and just overall confidence.

  • The most bioavailable form
  • Sustainably sourced from wild-caught fish in Canada
organic acacia gum

organic acacia gum

Supports a healthy gut and digestion.

  • Sourced from wild Acacia trees.
organic coconut milk powder

organic coconut milk powder

Super creamy deliciousness that’s dairy free and low calorie.

  • Paleo, keto and 100% plant based
  • Non-GMO
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100,000+ people adding "joie de vivre" to their lives!
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Leading Competitor

Pure marine hydrolyzed collagen
Amazing quality matcha
Low Calorie
Made in Canada
How to use Image

How to Use

Pour 250ml -350ml of hot water
Add 1 scoop of Teangle Matcha Collagen Powder
Stir with your Teangle Milk Frother until fully dissolved
Optionally, pour your choice of milk for some creamy goodness!

How to have the best Matcha Collagen experience

Each scoop is deliciously creamy and rich, with a light taste of matcha.
It’s sugar-free, so you can sweeten it to your liking with a little honey or a hint of maple syrup.

Original Matcha Collagen

Enjoy the matcha collagen on its own! All you have to do is to mix some water with it.

Matcha Collagen Latte

Combine the matcha collagen with any milk of your choice and add any sweetener if you like!

Matcha Collagen Smoothie

Add some fruits to your matcha collagen with a big splash of milk!

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Hear from the Teangle fam

average rating 4.7 out of 5
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94% of reviewers would recommend this product to a friend
Rated 4 out of 5
Rated 4 out of 5
Customer photos and videos
1395 Reviews
Reviewed by Lucie M., from Canada
Verified Buyer
I recommend this product
What were you drinking before?
What's to love!
  • Easy to use
Rated 5 out of 5
Review posted

Matcha collagène

Agréable à boire avec sirop d’érable et lait d’avoine

Je préfère prendre une demi portion et prendre aussi un café .

Rated 5 out of 5
Rated 5 out of 5
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Merci Lucie pour ton avis! 😄 Le sirop d'érable et le lait d'avoine, c’est un excellent combo! Si tu préfères une demi-portion, c’est top, chacun adapte comme il veut. 😊 Comment le café se marie avec ton matcha? Hâte d'avoir ton retour sur cette combinaison! 💚

Reviewed by Sophie H., from Canada
Verified Buyer
I recommend this product
35 - 44
What were you drinking before?
What's to love!
  • I have more energy
  • Delicious
  • Easy to use
  • No crash
Rated 5 out of 5
Review posted


À reprendre - super découverte

Rated 5 out of 5
Rated 5 out of 5
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Merci beaucoup Sophie pour ton retour! 😊 On est ravi que tu aies découvert notre Matcha Collagène! Hâte de savoir ce que tu en penses sur le long terme. À très bientôt pour une nouvelle commande! 💚

Reviewed by Marie -Josée O., from Canada
Verified Buyer
I recommend this product
55 - 64
What were you drinking before?
What's to love!
  • Easy to use
  • No crash
  • Zen
  • Delicious
Rated 5 out of 5
Review posted

J'adore !!!

J'ai tout de suite adoré le goût du thé Matcha collagen. Il est doux, et pas trop sucre. Je n'aime pas ce qui est sucré et c'est parfait avec la touche de noix de coco. En quelques jours ,je ne peux plus me passer de ce Matcha. Moi qui est une grande fan de café, je n' ai plus le goût du tout du café le matin. Mon rythme cardiaque a baissé , je suis plus calme. J'ai hâte de voir les autres bien faits à moyen termes

Rated 5 out of 5
Rated 5 out of 5
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Merci beaucoup Marie-Josée pour ce super retour! 😍 Ça fait vraiment plaisir de savoir que notre Matcha Collagène a su remplacer le café et t'apporte tant de bienfaits! 💚 La touche de noix de coco fait vraiment toute la différence, non? Hâte de savoir ce que tu en penses à plus long terme! 😊

Reviewed by Stephanie C., from Canada
Verified Buyer
I recommend this product
35 - 44
What were you drinking before?
Rated 5 out of 5
Review posted

Surprise et contente!

J'ai fait le saut il y a 10 jours. Coupé le café "cold turkey" après une consommation régulière depuis 28 ans. Un bon café noir... j'adorais le goût donc un petit peu réticente à perdre ça, mais c'était surtout l'impact positif de la caféine sur mes migraines qui me me créait de l'anxiété. Et bien : surprise! Le café ne me manque pas et je n'ai vu aucune augmentation de périodes migraineuse! J'ai plus d'énergie et j'ai hâte de voir la site des améliorations!

Rated 5 out of 5
Rated 5 out of 5
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Wow, Stephanie, quelle belle histoire! 💚 Félicitations pour avoir fait ce changement et bravo pour avoir trouvé une alternative aussi efficace! C’est super que le matcha collagène t’ait apporté plus d’énergie et t'ait permis de dire adieu aux migraines. J'ai hâte de voir comment tu vas te sentir dans les semaines à venir! Et merci pour la photo, tu es rayonnante! 🌟 N'hésite pas à partager tes progrès, on adore entendre ça!

Reviewed by Kim C., from Canada
Verified Buyer
I recommend this product
55 - 64
What were you drinking before?
What's to love!
  • I'm more productive
  • I have more energy
  • Organic
  • Delicious
  • No crash
Rated 5 out of 5
Review posted

Matcha collagen

I love this stuff so far. I’ve been drinking it instead of my coffee in the morning

Rated 5 out of 5
Rated 5 out of 5
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That's awesome, Kim! 😊 Switching up coffee for Matcha Collagen sounds like a great move. How are you finding the energy boost compared to your usual coffee? 🍵💚

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Happiness, guaranteed.

We stand behind providing our customers with the healthiest and best tasting matcha possible.