Philippe's 3 tips to reduce stress
You can't avoid stress. But you can make it a goal to keep everyday stress at low levels. We sat down with our founder Philippe, to get his 3 best tips on how to better manage everyday stress.

TIP #1 Avoid reaching for your phone first thing in the morning and before you go to bed.
Purchase a non-phone alarm clock. Seriously, do it right now. And start with 30 minutes and work your way up to an hour. The fact that i'm not being bombarded with emails, messages, to-dos helps me start my day with a calm mind and tune INWARDS.
TIP #2 Take Cold showers
As counterintuitive as it sounds, cold showers are a simple and effective way to relax the body and make you more resilient to stress. It's worked for me for the past 6 years. I like to put the water in the shower on as cold as possible, jump in, and stay underneath for 2-3 minutes or until my breathing returns to normal.
TIP #3 Drink your Teangle
Need some zen during a stressful moment? A confidence boost before a big presentation ? Because of its high content of L-theanine, drinking Matcha can help. Six years ago I was at the lowest point in my life ; stuck, paralyzed and afraid of taking risks. Until, I decided to fully commit to myself. On my quest for self-help, I discovered matcha tea and fell in love with how it made me feel. For the first time in a long time, I was getting things done and taking action towards my dreams!
So are you going to buy an alarm clock ? Jump in a cold shower ? Drink Matcha Daily ?
I wanna know - what are your favorite hacks to reduce stress 👇🏽